Elements metadata

For proper validation each element must have a corresponding metadata entry. If no metadata is present many rules will just ignore the element entirely. To configure metadata sources use elements: [...], see configuring.

A typical custom element may look like:

import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  "custom-element": {
    flow: true,

The defineMetadata helper is optional but helps the IDE with completion and type-checking.

Each entry can contain the following properties:

export interface MetaElement {
  /* content categories */
  metadata?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;
  flow?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;
  sectioning?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;
  heading?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;
  phrasing?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;
  embedded?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;
  interactive?: boolean | PropertyExpression | MetaCategoryCallback;

  /* element properties */
  deprecated?: boolean | string | DeprecatedElement;
  foreign?: boolean;
  void?: boolean;
  transparent?: boolean | string[];
  scriptSupporting?: boolean;
  focusable?: boolean | MetaFocusableCallback;
  form?: boolean;
  formAssociated?: FormAssociated;
  labelable?: boolean | MetaLabelableCallback;

  /* WAI-ARIA attributes */
  aria?: MetaAria;

  /* attributes */
  attributes?: Record<string, MetaAttribute>;

  /* permitted data */
  permittedContent?: Permitted;
  permittedDescendants?: Permitted;
  permittedOrder?: PermittedOrder;
  requiredAncestors?: string[];
  requiredContent?: string[];
  textContent?: "none" | "default" | "required" | "accessible";

  /* inheritance */
  inherit?: string;

export interface MetaAria {
  implicitRole?: string | ((node: HtmlElementLike) => string | null);
  naming?: "allowed" | "prohibited" | ((node: HtmlElementLike) => "allowed" | "prohibited");

Content categories

Each content model property defines what type of element it is. See MDN and W3C for description of the different categories.

For custom elements this should be set to flow or phrasing depending on the context it should be allowed in. Essentially flow would equal a div or display: block while phrasing would equal a span or display: inline (which is default CSS for unknown elements).

Each property should either be a boolean (defaults to false) or a property expression in the form string | [string, any].

Property callbacks

If the element has conditions for which content categories it belongs to one can use callbacks.

For instance, the <video> element is interactive only if the controls attribute is present:

import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  video: {
    interactive(node) {
      return node.hasAttribute("controls");

Element properties


If truthy the element will trigger the deprecated rule when used.

Can be set to true, a string or an object.

export interface DeprecatedElement {
  message?: string;
  documentation?: string;
  source?: string;

Setting true is the same as the empty object. Setting a string is the same as setting message to the string.

If the message property is set the text will be displayed in the error message.

If the documentation property is set the text will be rendered as markdown and shown in the contextual documentation shown by editors. $tagname can be used as a placeholder in the text.

If the source property is set it is used to help the end-user to understand when and by what it is deprecated. It can be set to:


If true the element is foreign and will only be parsed for valid tokens. The DOM tree will only contain the foreign element itself but none of the children. Unless used in an illegal context no rules will trigger on the element or its child nodes.

Examples of foreign elements includes <svg> and <math>. While technically XML it has its own set of rules (e.g. SVG uses camelcase attribute which triggers the attr-case rule).


If the element is void (self-closing) this should be set to true. This is normally not the case for custom elements as they are required to have a close tag.


Some elements are transparent which means that in addition to itself each of the children must also be valid content, just as if this element wasn't used.

A typical example would be the <a> element, when it is used as a child of a <div> element (flow) it allows content which is also flow, but if it is used as a child of a <span> element (phrasing) it only allows new phrasing content.

For custom elements it can be useful to set this if the content category isn't flow.

When set to true all children are checked. When set to array only the listed tagnames or content categories are checked.


Elements whose primary purpose is to support scripting should set this flag to true. Some elements will generally only allow a very narrow set of children (such as <ul> only allowing <li>) but usually also allows script-supporting elements.

In HTML5 both the <script> and <template> tags are considered script-supporting but javascript frameworks and web-components may include additional tags.


Focusable elements are elements which can natively receive focus, i.e. without having tabindex or another method to explicitly set it to be focusable. This is typically elements input elements such as <input>.


Elements which are considered to be a form-element should set this flag to true. In plain HTML only the <form> element is considered a form but when using custom components the form element might be wrapped inside and to make rules related to forms pick up the custom element this flag should be set.


export interface FormAssociated {
  disablable?: boolean;

  listed?: boolean;

Form associated elements are elements which have a form owner. In particular listed form associated elements with a name attribute used with the <form> and <fieldset> elements property. If the element is also submittable the name attribute defines the name used when the form is submitted.


Disablable elements can be disabled using the disabled attribute.


Labelable elements are elements which can have an associated <label> element. This is typically elements input elements such as <input>.


Many native HTML elements has an implicit ARIA role (defined in ARIA in HTML).

aria.implicitRole can either be set to:

import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  /* defines an element with a static implicit role */
  "custom-element": {
    aria: {
      implicitRole: "presentation",

  /* defines an element with the role of button only if the `foo` attribute is set */
  "other-element": {
    aria: {
      implicitRole(node) {
        if (node.hasAttribute("foo")) {
          return "button";
        } else {
          return "generic";

This property is also available as the deprecated implicitRole property (outside of the aria property).


Sets whenever the elements allows to be named by the aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes, i.e. whenever naming is prohibited.

Can be set either to "allowed" or "prohibited"or a callback returning one of those. Defaults is "allowed".

Note that if the element has a role attribute the role determines if naming is prohibited or not.

Permitted content


An object with allowed attribute values.

export interface MetaAttribute {
  allowed?: (
    node: HtmlElementLike,
    attr: string | DynamicValue | null,
  ) => string | null | undefined;
  boolean?: boolean;
  deprecated?: boolean | string;
  enum?: Array<string | RegExp>;
  list?: boolean;
  required?: boolean;
  omit?: boolean;
import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  "custom-element": {
    attributes: {
      foo: {
        boolean: false,
        omit: false,
        enum: ["bar", "baz"],

With this metadata the attribute "foo" may only have the values "bar" or"foo". The value cannot be omitted or be used as a boolean property.

This is used by the attribute-allowed-values rule.

An empty object may be set as well to mark the attribute as a known attribute but without any validation.


The allowed property can be set to a callback taking a single element. If the callback returns an error string the attribute cannot be used in the given context.

import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  "custom-element": {
    attributes: {
      foo: {
        allowed(node) {
          if (!node.hasAttribute("bar")) {
            return "needs a bar attribute";
          } else {
            return null;

Helper functions for writing callbacks are available in MetadataHelper.

This is used by the attribute-misuse rule to check if an attribute is allowed or not in the context.

Calling allowed(..) with a native HTMLElement (or JSDOM) works but is not officially supported and the API may change over time outside of major releases.


The enum property is a list of allowed values the attribute can have. It can be either strings or regular expressions using "/../" e.g "/-?\\d+/" to match numbers. If unset any value is accepted.


The boolean property takes priority and if set it allows the value to be:

The attribute-boolean-style rule regulates which of the styles to use but the content validator considers all three styles to be valid for boolean attributes.


The omit property allows the value to be either omitted or an empty string. When using omit the empty string "" is implied in enum.

The attribute-empty-style rule regulates whenever omitted values or empty string is preferred.


If set to true or string this attribute is marked as deprecated and should not be used in new code.

This is used by the no-deprecated-attr rule.


If set to true this attribute is required to be present on the element.

This is used by the element-required-attributes rule.


If set to true the attribute value is parsed as a space-separated list (DOMTokenList) where each token is validated separately and each token must be valid for the attribute value to be consideted valid.

  "custom-element": {
    "attributes": {
      "foo": {
        "list": true,
        "enum": ["a", "b"]

Given the metadata above both foo="a" and foo="b" is valid. When the attribute is foo="a b" each token (a and b) is validated separately and both must be valid. Thus foo="a b" is valid but foo="a c" is not.

Deprecated method

The previous (now deprecated) method was to assign an enumerated list of valid values:

  "custom-element": {
    "attributes": {
      "foo": ["bar", "baz"]

With this metadata the attribute "foo" may only have the values "bar" or "foo". Just as with the enum property regular expressions could be passed.

It features a number of quirks:

While still supported this syntax should be migrated to the new syntax and is scheduled to be removed in the next major version.


Deprecated: set required property directly on attribute instead. See above.


Deprecated: set deprecated property directly on attribute instead. See above.


A list of allowed children (for descendants see permittedDescendants) which is allowed. Can be either a tagname or a content category:

  "custom-elements": {
    "permittedContent": ["transclude-slot-1", "transclude-slot-2"]

This is used by element-permitted-content rule.


This is normally a whitelist of elements but can be switched to a blacklist by using exclude:

  "custom-elements": {
    "permittedContent": [{ "exclude": "@interactive" }]

Combining (AND)

Permitted content matches if the element matches any of the entries. Entires can also be combined so multiple entries must all match by wrapping entires in an array:

  "custom-elements": {
    "permittedContent": [["@flow", { "exclude": "div" }]]

This will allow any flow content except <div>.

Be careful when using multiple combined entries as each group will still match if any matches:

  "custom-elements": {
    "permittedContent": ["@flow", ["@phrasing", { "exclude": "em" }]]

Since <em> will match @flow it will be allowed even if excluded by the next entry.

Limit occurrences

If a child is only allowed once it can be suffixed with ? to limit to 0 or 1 number of occurrences.

  "table": {
    "permittedContent": ["caption?"]

This will disallow <caption> from being used more than once under <table>.

This is used by element-permitted-occurrences rule.


Same as permittedContent but checks all descendants and not just intermediate children. Both can be used together, e.g <article> is defined as:

  "article": {
    "permittedContent": ["@flow"],
    "permittedDescendants": [{ "exclude": ["main"] }]

Thus is allows any flow content but disallows <main> as a descendant.

This is used by element-permitted-content rule.


Requires children to be used in a specific order.

Elements listed has to occur in the same order as specified, elements which is not specified can appear anywhere.

  "table": {
    "permittedOrder": ["thead", "tbody", "tfoot"]

This will require <thead> to come before <tbody> but will let <script> appear anywhere.

This is used by element-permitted-order rule.


Requires a specific sequence of ancestors.

Some elements has additional restrictions on parent elements, for instance an <area> element must have a <map> element as ancestor but not necessarily as a direct parent.

requiredAncestors is a list of selectors for which at least one must be true for the ancestors. The selector may include the element being checked as the final part of the selector.

  "dt": {
    "requiredAncestors": ["dl > dt", "dl > div > dt"]

This will require <dt> elements to either be a direct descendant to <dl> or with a single <div> element between. In both cases a <dl> element must be present.

This is used by element-permitted-content rule.


Requires certain content in an element.

Some elements has requirements of what content must be present. For instance, the <head> element requires a <title> element.

requiredContent is a list of tagnames which must be present as a direct descendant of the element.

  "head": {
    "requiredContent": ["title"]

This is used by element-required-content rule.


Enforces presence or absence of text in an element. If unset it defaults to default.

Must be set to one of the following values:

This is used by text-content rule.

Global element

The special * element can be used to assign global metadata applying to all elements, e.g. global attributes.

  "*": {
    "attributes": {
      "tabindex": ["/-?\\d+/"]


Elements can inherit from other elements using the inherits property. When inheriting all properties will be duplicated to the new element. Any new property set on the element will override the parent element.

Given the following metadata:

  "foo": {
    "flow": true,
    "transparent": true
  "bar": {
    "inherit": "foo",
    "transparent": false

The final <bar> metadata will be merged to:

  "foo": {
    "flow": true,
    "transparent": true
  "bar": {
    "flow": true,
    "transparent": false

Elements being inherited must be defined before the inheritor or an error will be thrown.

Attribute inheritance

Attributes will be inherited but can be overwritten, given the following:

import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  vehicle: {
    attributes: {
      tires: {
        required: true,
        enum: ["2", "4"],
      color: {
        required: true,
        enum: ["red", "blue", "white"],
  car: {
    inherit: "vehicle",
    attributes: {
      tires: {
        required: false,
        enum: ["4"],

The <car> element will still require the color attribute but not the tires attribute and only "4" will be allowed.

The attribute could also be removed from the inheritor by setting it to null:

import { defineMetadata } from "html-validate";

export default defineMetadata({
  vehicle: {
    attributes: {
      tires: {
        required: true,
        enum: ["2", "4"],
      color: {
        required: true,
        enum: ["red", "blue", "white"],
  car: {
    inherit: "vehicle",
    attributes: {
      tires: null,