VS Code Extension

To get validation directly in VS Code use the HTML-Validate extension:

ext install html-validate.vscode-html-validate

The extension is also available on the Open VSX Registry: HTML-Validate


The extension can work in three modes:

It is recommended to add HTML-Validate to the local project to get consistent results over time and between different developers working on a single project. When using a global or bundled version you might get different warnings and errors as the version changes.

When using the bundled version only pure .html files are supported (e.g. no Vue, Markdown etc).


Configuration works similar to the CLI tool: create a .htmlvalidate.json file with the configuration you want.

  "extends": ["html-validate:recommended"]

Learn more about getting started with HTML-Validate.

Out-of-the-box only pure .html files will be validated. See further below for instructions for additional languages.


The extension is by default enabled for the following languages:

This can be overrriden with the html-validate.validate setting.



To validate HTML in markdown code fences use the html-validate-markdown plugin:

npm install --save-dev html-validate html-validate-markdown

Configure with:

   "extends": ["html-validate:recommended"],
+  "transform": {
+    "^.*\\.md$": "html-validate-markdown"
+  }

See plugin for additional instructions and configuration.


To validate template in Vue SFC use the html-validate-vue plugin:

npm install --save-dev html-validate html-validate-vue

Configure with:

-  "extends": ["html-validate:recommended"],
+  "plugins": ["html-validate-vue"],
+  "extends": ["html-validate:recommended", "html-validate-vue:recommended"],
+  "transform": {
+    "^.*\\.vue$": "html-validate-vue"
+  }

See plugin documentation for additional instructions and configuration.