Migration guide

Upgrading to v9

ESM support has finally landed in HTML-Validate V9!

This release is primarly breaking for API uses but some configuration changes might be required (see below). For API users the TL;DR version is most functions can return a Promise so make sure to await it.

Dependency changes

NodeJS v18 or later is now required.

Configuration changes


ESM is now used by default. This shouldn't typically affect anyone but there are a few issues that might arise:

Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT]: Directory import '...' is not supported resolving ES modules

Somewhere in your configuration you are importing a directory (containing an index.js) but under ESM this is not allowed, explicitly add index.js instead:

-"plugins": ["./my-plugin"],
+"plugins": ["./my-plugin/index.js"],

Deprecated preset aliases

The following deprecated aliases has been removed:

Metadata changes

These changes only affects users who write their own element metadata.

String-based property expressions removed

HTML-Validate v8.13 introduced callbacks for metadata properties and deprecated the old string-based expressions:

These have now been removed and can be replaced with callbacks:

-property: ["isDescendant", "parent"],
+  return Boolean(node.closest("parent"));
-property: ["hasAttribute", "name"],
+  return node.hasAttribute("name"));

matchAttribute might require som extra care when it comes to missing value, dynamic attributes and case sensitivity. To strictly get the same behaviour as the old matchAttribute expression one can use (i.e. coalesce null and dynamic values to empty string ""):

-property: ["matchAttribute", ["name", "!=", "value"]],
+  const raw = node.getAttribute("name") ?? "";
+  const value = raw.toString();
+  return value !== "value";

However consider handling null and DynamicValue for saner behaviour:

-property: ["matchAttribute", ["name", "!=", "value"]],
+  const value = node.getAttribute("name");
+  if (value === null) {
+    return true; /* attribute is missing */
+  }
+  if (typeof value !== 'string') {
+    return true; /* attribute is dynamic, e.g. a property binding in a javascript framework */
+  }
+  return value !== "value";

API changes

Plugin recommendations {v9-plugin-recommendations}

For publicly published plugins and transformers it is recommended to publish hybrid ESM/CommonJS packages. If hybrid is not an option ESM is preferred over CommonJS.

Plugins should also make sure to bundle all resources or ensure they are imported with import, i.e. don't use node:fs to read files. This is to ensure the plugin is usable in a browser context.

Configuration errors {v9-config-deferred}

In previous versions the HtmlValidate constructor would load the configuration directly and thus triggering configuration errors to occur. In V9 the configuration loading is deferred until validation occurs.


let htmlvalidate;
try {
    htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate({
    /* invalid configuration */
} catch {
  /* ... */

In V9 the above will not throw an exception but rather when later using the configuration it will, e.g. using any of the following will throw an exception:


Config fromFile(..) and fromObject(..) async

The Config.fromFile(..) and Config.fromObject(..) will return a Promise when used with an async ConfigLoader or Resolver.

To future-proof your code if using the Config class directly it is recommended to always await the result.

 const resolvers = [staticResolver()];
-const config = Config.fromObject(resolvers, {
+const config = await Config.fromObject(resolvers, {
   /* configuration */

If you must use synchronous code only it is up to you to ensure everything the configuration requires (plugins, loaders, resolvers) works in a synchronous manner.

Config merge(..) async

The Config.merge(..) method will return a Promise when used with and async ConfigLoader or Resolver.

To future-proof your code if using the Config class directly it is recommended to always await the result.

 const config1 = await Config.fromObject({ /* ... */ });
 const config2 = await Config.fromObject({ /* ... */ });
-const merged = config1.merge(config2);
+const merged = await config1.merge(config2);

ConfigLoader async

All methods of ConfigLoader can optionally return a Promise for asynchronous operation. For most use-cases this will not require any changes.

If you are simply passing in the configuration to the HtmlValidate constructor no action needs to be taken.

const loader = new FileSystemConfigLoader();
const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate(loader); // no changes needed!

If you use a loader in other ways e.g. reading the resulting configuration, it is recommended to always await the result.

const loader = new FileSystemConfigLoader();
-const config = loader.getConfigFor("my-file.html");
+const config = await loader.getConfigFor("my-file.html");

If you must use synchronous code only it is up to you to ensure everything the configuration requires works in a synchronous manner.

Custom loaders will continue to work but can be rewritten to return a promise, for instance:

 class MyCustomLoader extends ConfigLoader {
-  public getConfigFor(filePath: string): ResolvedConfig {
+  public async getConfigFor(filePath: string): Promise<ResolvedConfig> {
     /* ... */

Using an asynchronous loader with any synchronous API such as HtmlValidate.validateStringSync() or HtmlValidate.getConfigForSync() results in an error.

ConfigLoader globalConfig property removed

The ConfigLoader.globalConfig property has been removed and replaced with getGlobalConfig() and getGlobalConfigSync().

-const merged = this.globalConfig.merge(this.resolvers, override);
+const globalConfig = await this.getGlobalConfig();
+const merged = globalConfig.merge(this.resolvers, override);

Config.init() method removed

The redundant and deprecated Config.init() method has been removed.

Remove any calls to the method:

 const config = Config.fromObject({ /* ... */ });

Test utils

All functions from html-validate/test-utils now returns a Promise:

If you are them to write unit tests for custom transfomers you need to resolve the returned promise:

 import { transformSource } from "html-validate/test-utils";

-const result = transformSource(transformer, source);
+const result = await transformSource(transformer, source);


Transformers may now return a Promise for asynchronous result. For most part there is no code changes required but if you use the this.chain(..) method to support chains you need to ensure you can handle that the next transformer may have returned a Promise.

If you used a generator function and yield* replace with a simple return:

-yield* this.chain(..);
+return this.chain(..);

If you postprocess the result you must either await the result or test if the result is a Promise.

When using TypeScript the return signature must change:

-function myTransformer(this: TransformContext, source: Source): Iterable<Source> {
+function myTransformer(this: TransformContext, source: Source): Iterable<Source> | Promise<Iterable<Source>> {

Upgrading to v8

Dependency changes

All users

   "rules": {
-    "my-awesome-rule": "disabled"
+    "my-awesome-rule": "off"

API changes

Promise-based API

The HtmlValidate class now has a Promise based API where most methods return a Promise. The old synchronous methods has been renamed to *Sync(..), .e.g validateString(..) is now validateStringSync(..).

To migrate either use the new asynchronous API with await:

-const result = htmlvalidate.validateFile("my-awesome-file.html");
+const result = await htmlvalidate.validateFile("my-awesome-file.html");

or use the synchronous API:

-const result = htmlvalidate.validateFile("my-awesome-file.html");
+const result = htmlvalidate.validateFileSync("my-awesome-file.html");

For unittesting with Jest it is recommended to make the entire test-case async (but the matchers will handle passing in a Promise as well):

-it("my awesome test", () => {
+it("my awesome test", async () => {
   const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate();
-  const report = htmlvalidate.validateString("...");
+  const report = await htmlvalidate.validateString("...");


The TemplateExtractor class has been moved to the @html-validate/plugin-utils package. This change only affects API users who use the TemplateExtractor class, typically this is only used when writing plugins.

The rationale for this is to cut down on the API surface and the number of required dependencies.

getContextualDocumentation replaces getRuleDocumentation

A new getContextualDocumentation replaces the now deprecated getRuleDocumentation method. The context parameter to getRuleDocumentation is now required and must not be omitted.

For rule authors this means you can now rely on the context parameter being set in the documentation callback.

For IDE integration and toolchain authors this means you should migrate to use getContextualDocumentation as soon as possible or if you are continuing to use getRuleDocumentation you are now required to pass the config and context field from the reported message.

Configuration API changes

Many breaking changes has been introduced to the configuration API.

In the simplest case this only requires to call Config.resolve():

-return config;
+return config.resolve();

A resolved configuration cannot further reference any new files to extend, plugins to load, etc.

This change affect API users only, specifically API users directly using the Config class. Additionally when using the StaticConfigLoader no modules will be resolved using require(..) by default any longer. If you want to resolve modules using require you must use the NodeJSResolver.

Instructions for running in a browser is also updated.

To create a Config instance you must now pass in a Resolver (single or array):

+const resolvers = [ /* ... */ ];
-const config = new Config( /* ... */ );
+const config = new Config(resolvers, /* ... */ );

This applies to calls to Config.fromObject(..) as well.

The default resolvers for StaticConfigLoader is StaticResolver and for FileSystemConfigLoader is NodeJSResolver. Both can optionally take a new set of resolvers (including custom ones).

Each resolver will, in order, try to load things by name. For instance, when using the NodeJSResolver it uses require(..) to load new items.

The ConfigFactory parameter to ConfigLoader (and its child classes StaticConfigLoader and FileSystemConfigLoader) has been removed. No replacement. If you are using this you are probably better off implementing a fully custom loader later returning a ResolvedConfig.

Upgrading to v7

Dependency changes

Upgrading to v6

Configuration changes

The format for specifying attribute metadata has changed. This will probably not affect most users but if you have custom element metadata (e.g. elements.json) and specify attribute restrictions you should migrate to the new format.

If you do not use custom element metadata you can safely upgrade to this version without any changes.

If you need to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of html-validate you can safely hold of the migration (e.g. you publish a component framework with bundled element metadata and don't want to force an update for end users). The old format is deprecated but will continue to be supported for now.

Previously the attributes was specified as an array of possible values (strings or regular expressions). Boolean attributes was specified as [] and when value could be omitted it used the magic value [""].

  "my-custom-input": {
    "attributes": {
      /* enumeration: must have one of the specified values */
      "type": ["text", "email", "tel"],

      /* boolean: should not have a value */
      "disabled": [],

      /* allow omitting value, e.g. it can be set as a boolean or it should be "true" or "false" */
      "multiline": ["", "true", "false"],

To migrate the array is changed to an object with the properties enum, boolean and omit:

   "my-custom-input": {
     "attributes": {
       /* enumeration: must have one of the specified values */
-      "type": ["text", "email", "tel"],
+      "type": {
+        "enum": ["text", "email", "tel"]
+      },

       /* boolean: should not have a value */
-      "disabled": [],
+      "disabled": {
+        "boolean": true
+      },

       /* allow omitting value, e.g. it can be set as a boolean or it should be "true" or "false" */
-      "multiline": ["", "true", "false"]
+      "multiline": {
+        "omit": true,
+        "enum": ["true", "false"] // the value "" is no longer specified in the enumeration
+      }

The properties requiredAttributes and deprecatedAttributes have been integrated into the same object:

   "my-custom-input": {
-    "requiredAttributes": ["type"],
-    "deprecatedAttributes": ["autocorrect"]
+    "attributes": {
+      "type": {
+        "required": true
+      },
+      "autocorrect": {
+        "deprecated": true
+      }
+    }

It is perfectly valid to specify attributes as an empty object which is used to signal that an attribute is exists. When #68 (validate know attributes) is implemented it will be required to list all known attributes but for now no validation will happen without any properties set.

  "my-custom-input": {
    "attributes": {
      /* signal that the "foobar" attribute exists but no validation will occur */
      "foobar": {},

API changes

If you use MetaElement to query attribute metadata you must use the new object. Typically this should only be if you have a custom rule dealing with attributes. While the old format is supported in userland internally it is converted to the new format.

For instance, given a rule such as:

function myCustomRule(node: DOMNode, attr: Attribute, rule: string[]): void {
  /* ... */

const meta = node.meta.attributes;
for (const attr of node.attributes) {
  if (meta[attr.key]) {
    myCustomRule(node, attr, meta[attr.key]);

The signature of the function must be changed to:

-function myCustomRule(node: DOMNode, attr: Attribute, rule: string[]): void {
+function myCustomRule(node: DOMNode, attr: Attribute, rule: MetaAttribute): void {
   /* ... */

If you want backwards compatibility you must handle both string[] and MetaAttribute, Array.isArray can be used to distinguish between the two:

function myCustomRule(node: DOMNode, attr: Attribute, rule: string[] | MetaAttribute): void {
  if (Array.isArray(rule)) {
    /* legacy code path */
  } else {
    /* modern code path */

If the rule used logic to determine if the attribute is boolean it must be changed to use the boolean property:

-const isBoolean = rule.length === 0;
+const isBoolean = rule.boolean;

If the rule used logic to determine if the attribute value can be omitted it must be changed to use the omitted property:

-const canOmit = rule.includes("");
+const canOmit = rule.omit;

The list of allowed values are must be read from the enum property but rules must take care to ensure they work even if enum is not set (undefined):

-const valid = rule.includes(attr.value);
+const valid = !rule.enum || rule.enum.includes(attr.value);

If you used requiredAttributes or deprecatedAttributes these have now been integrated into the same object:

-const isDeprecated = meta.deprecatedAttributes.includes(attr.key);
+const isDeprecated = meta.attribute[attr.key]?.deprecated;


Only affects API users.

If you have a rule or plugin listening to the ConfigReadyEvent event the datatype of the config property has changed from ConfigData to ResolvedConfig. For most part it contains the same information but is normalized, for instance rules are now always passed as Record<RuleID, [Severity, Options]>. Configured transformers, plugins etc are resolved instances and fields suchs as root and extends will never be present.


Only affects API users.

The default configuration loader has changed from FileSystemConfigLoader to StaticConfigLoader, i.e. the directory traversal looking for .htmlvalidate.json configuration files must now be explicitly enabled.

This will reduce the dependency on the NodeJS fs module and make it easier to use the library in browsers.

To restore the previous behaviour you must now enable FileSystemConfigLoader:

 import { HtmlValidate, FileSystemConfigLoader } from "html-validate";

-const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate();
+const loader = new FileSystemConfigLoader();
+const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate(loader);

If you pass configuration to the constructor you now pass it to the loader instead:

 import { HtmlValidate, FileSystemConfigLoader } from "html-validate";

-const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate({ ... });
+const loader = new FileSystemConfigLoader({ ... });
+const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate(loader);

If you use the root property as a workaround for the directory traversal you can now drop the workaround and rely on StaticConfigLoader:

 import { HtmlValidate } from "html-validate";

-const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate({
-  root: true,
+const htmlvalidate = new HtmlValidate();

The CLI class is not affected as it will enable FileSystemConfigLoader automatically, so the following code will continue to work as expected:

const cli = new CLI();
const htmlvalidate = cli.getValidator();