Disallow self-closing elements

Rule ID:
  • HTML5

Require regular end tags for elements even if the element has no content, e.g. require <div></div> instead of <div/>.

This rule has no effect on void elements, see the related rule void-style.

Rule details

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

error: <div> must not be self-closed (no-self-closing) at inline:1:5:
> 1 | <div/>
    |     ^^

1 error found.

Examples of correct code for this rule:


<!-- foreign elements are ignored -->

<!-- elements with XML namespace are ignored -->


This rule takes an optional object:

  "ignoreForeign": true,
  "ignoreXML": true


By default foreign elements are ignored by this rule. By setting ignoreForeign to false foreign elements must not be self-closed either.

error: <svg> must not be self-closed (no-self-closing) at inline:1:5:
> 1 | <svg/>
    |     ^^

1 error found.


By default elements in XML namespaces are ignored by this rule. By setting ignoreXML to false elements in XML namespaces must not be self-closed either.

error: <xi:include> must not be self-closed (no-self-closing) at inline:1:12:
> 1 | <xi:include/>
    |            ^^

1 error found.