


export interface ConfigReadyEvent {
  location: Location | null;
  config: ResolvedConfig;
  rules: Record<string, Rule<unknown, unknown>>;

Emitted after after configuration is ready but before DOM is initialized.


export interface SourceReadyEvent {
  location: Location | null;
  source: Source;

Emitted after after source is transformed but before DOM is initialized. See Source for data structure.

The source object must not be modified (use a transformer if modifications are required). The hooks property is always unset.


export interface TokenEvent {
  location: Location | null;
  token: Token;

Emitted for each lexer token during parsing.



export interface DOMLoadEvent {
  location: Location | null;
  source: Source;

Emitted after initialization but before tokenization and parsing occurs. Can be used to initialize state in rules.


export interface DOMReadyEvent {
  location: Location | null;
  document: DOMTree;
  source: Source;

Emitted after the parsing has finished loading the DOM tree.


export interface DoctypeEvent {
  location: Location;
  tag: string;
  value: string;
  valueLocation: Location;

Emitted when a DOCTYPE is encountered. tag is the tag used to open and value is the doctype value (without <!doctype and >).

location refers to the doctype opening tag and valueLocation to the value (as described above)

DOM Nodes

                  attr                                     attr
tag:start         |  tag:ready           tag:start         |  tag:ready
   |              | /                       |              | /
   v              vv                        v              vv
<div class="foobar">                   <input class="foobar">
  ..                                                        ^
</div>                                                       \
     ^                                                        element:ready
     | element:ready                   (tag:end not emitted)


export interface TagStartEvent {
  location: Location;
  target: HtmlElement;

Emitted when a start tag is parsed: <div>.

target will be newly created element. The element will not have its attribute nor children yet. Use tag:ready (all attributes parsed) or element:ready (all children parsed) if you need to wait for element to be ready.


export interface TagEndEvent {
  location: Location;
  target: HtmlElement | null;
  previous: HtmlElement;

Emitted when an end tag is parsed: </div>. It is similar to element:ready but will not be emitted for void elements.

target refers to the close-tag itself and previous is the current active element about to be closed.


export interface TagReadyEvent {
  location: Location;
  target: HtmlElement;

Emitted when a start tag is finished parsing (i.e. the node and all attributes are consumed by the parser).

target will be the element. The children will not yet be parsed.


export interface ElementReadyEvent {
  location: Location;
  target: HtmlElement;

Emitted when an element is fully constructed (including its children). It is similar to tag:end but will be emitted for void elements as well.

target will be the element.


export interface AttributeEvent {
  location: Location;
  key: string;
  value: string | DynamicValue | null;
  quote: '"' | "'" | null;
  originalAttribute?: string;
  target: HtmlElement;
  keyLocation: Location;
  valueLocation: Location | null;
  meta: MetaAttribute | null;

Emitted when an element attribute is parsed: <div foo="bar">.

Target node will not have been updated with the new attribute yet (e.g. node.getAttribute(...) will return undefined or a previous value).

originalAttribute is set when a transformer has modified the attribute and contains the original attribute name, e.g. ng-class or v-bind:class.

If the element have metadata for the specific attribute it will be present in the meta property.



export interface WhitespaceEvent {
  location: Location;
  text: string;

Emitted when inter-element, leading and trailing whitespace is parsed.


export interface ConditionalEvent {
  location: Location;
  condition: string;
  parent: HtmlElement | null;

Emitted when a conditional comment <![conditional]> is parsed. The parser ignores and condition and run all possible branches but raises the event for any rules that wishes to do anything with it.