
Source interface.

HTML source with file, line and column context.

Optional hooks can be attached. This is usually added by transformers to postprocess.

export interface Source {
  data: string;
  filename: string;

   * Line in the original data.
   * Starts at 1 (first line).
  line: number;

   * Column in the original data.
   * Starts at 1 (first column).
  column: number;

   * Offset in the original data.
   * Starts at 0 (first character).
  offset: number;

   * Original data. When a transformer extracts a portion of the original source
   * this must be set to the full original source.
   * Since the transformer might be chained always test if the input source
   * itself has `originalData` set, e.g.:
   * `originalData = input.originalData ||`.
  originalData?: string;

   * Hooks for processing the source as it is being parsed.
  hooks?: SourceHooks;

   * Internal property to keep track of what transformers has run on this
   * source. Entries are in reverse-order, e.g. the last applied transform is
   * first.
  transformedBy?: string[];


export interface SourceHooks {
   * Called for every attribute.
   * The original attribute must be yielded as well or no attribute will be
   * added.
   * @returns Attribute data for an attribute to be added to the element.
  processAttribute?: ProcessAttributeCallback | null;

   * Called for every element after element is created but before any children.
   * May modify the element.
  processElement?: ProcessElementCallback | null;