DOM cache API

The DOM cache API can be used to save computations on DOM nodes (e.g. elements). Values are cached per node.

For example, testing if an element is part of the accessibility tree includes multiples tests not only on the node itself but also all of the ancestors, for instance:

Testing if an element is part of the accessibility tree is a frequent test required by most of the a11y related tests and thus gains by caching the result.


The cache API is only available after the DOM is fully constructed, i.e. after the dom:ready event has fired.

When to use

There is no definitive answer as it is always a tradeof between memory and performance but as a rule of thumb you should use the cache API if the computation result:

Cache key

Each cache must use a unique key. The cache is stored per DOMNode so the key must only be unique per type of computation not per instance.

The cache key is typically Symbol named after the function performing the calculation but any unique string can be used.

const CACHE_KEY = Symbol(;

function myFunction(): void {
  /* ... */

Type safety (typescript)

Type safety can be archived by augmenting the DOMNodeCache interface:

declare module "html-validate" {
  export interface DOMNodeCache {
    [CACHE_KEY]?: number;

This ensures the typescript type system will correctly infer the proper datatypes when storing and fetching values.

Type declaration is optional but strongly recommended. Without type declaration the value is implied to be any and the user must manually ensure it is of the correct type.


const CACHE_KEY = Symbol(;

declare module "html-validate" {
  export interface DOMNodeCache {
    [CACHE_KEY]: number;

export function myFunction(node: HtmlElement): number {
  const cached = node.cacheGet(CACHE_KEY);
  if (typeof cached !== "undefined") {
    return cached;
  const value = expensiveComputation(node);
  return node.cacheSet(CACHE_KEY, value);


DOMNode.cacheGet<K>(key: K): DOMNodeCache[K] | undefined

Fetch cached value from a DOMNode. Returns undefined if no cached value is present.

DOMNode.cacheSet<K>(key: K, value: DOMNodeCache[K]): DOMNodeCache[K]

Store value on DOMNode.

DOMNode.cacheRemove<K>(key: K): boolean

Remove value from DOMNode. Returns true if a value was present and false if there was none.

DOMNode.cacheExists<K>(key: K): boolean

Check if a value is cached in DOMNode.